Jason from Florida
March 8, 2013
Bought this helmet for a spare, but like it better than my main HJC CL16 helmet so I use it as my main now. Great looking helmet, looks better in person than online. Got a small and it fits just right, better than my HJC which is loose. Vents a lot of air when moving, great top vents. The chin vent could be better though. It did fog up on me so I had to remove the chin guard and the breath box which is for cold weather riding. At lights I open the shield for more air. Awesome helmet for the price. I would recommend this to others. Plus the pads are removable for cleaning and it takes the same shields as my HJC so I swapped to my pinlock visor so no more fogging up. Also just ordered a dark smoke pinlock shield.
Bought this helmet for a spare, but like it better than my main HJC CL16 helmet so I use it as my main now. Great looking helmet, looks better in person than online. Got a small and it fits just right, better than my HJC which is loose. Vents a lot of air when moving, great top vents. The chin vent could be better though. It did fog up on me so I had to remove the chin guard and the breath box which is for cold weather riding. At lights I open the shield for more air. Awesome helmet for the price. I would recommend this to others. Plus the pads are removable for cleaning and it takes the same shields as my HJC so I swapped to my pinlock visor so no more fogging up. Also just ordered a dark smoke pinlock shield.
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