Joshua B. from California

June 22, 2009
helmet is great! incredibly good for the price. I wear a small in almost every other helmet, but a medium in scorpion helmets. so you should try and go to a shop first and see what fits you. I had a small KBC vr2 which was just a tad too tight, but the medium was too big. so I dealt with it. plus it let in so much air that my eyes were always watering, but it felt ok and had good crash ratings so I used it for a long time. then I was trying on different helmets at a shop, including their Arai's and Shoei's and not even looking at price tags, out of all of them the size M Scorpion felt the best for my head and was very reasonably priced. New Enough had the same one for half off, deal! while riding it is very quiet and you have a lot of control over how much air to let in. easy to use vents, too. they all open in the same direction so it's not confusing while you're on the bike, trying to adjust while riding. best part is it NEVER seems to fog up! it hasn't yet. it's by far the best helmet I've ever had. I'm more than satisfied. thanks New Enough! also, I got the aero skirt with it, which probably should be included, but you have to buy it separate. it seems necessary to me but I didn't try the helmet without it. only 8 bucks more and the helmet is such a deal, I would say buy it for sure.
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